Tuesday, December 7, 2010

This guy made Star Trek doors in his house

How cool is that!

Check out: "DIY Star-Trek style air powered sliding doors are something from the future that you can have at home right now" - www.engadget.com http://www.engadget.com/2010/12/07/diy-star-trek-style-air-powered-sliding-doors-are-something-from/?icid=engadget-iphone-url
So, we don't mind a small home renovation project every now and then, and this is one we're seriously considering. Instructables has posted a step-by-step guide on installing sliding doors which are powered by an air compressor, and which look super cool. As you'll see in the video which is after the break, it's a pretty simple idea, which requires a pretty fair amount of work, but the results are very impressive. The sliding doors are controlled by a panel switch and have a key which can lock them open or shut, and the door also boasts a vent above it for air ventilation after operation. Yes, we actually want one of these.

Source: Instructables


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