Saturday, September 26, 2009

Amazing what technology can do.

Just got done with an ROM test. This with a sensor and laptop computes your body's range of montion. I was having my neck and back checked cause of a car accident awhile back and woof! For the most part- I have a bout half the motion I should. Now I knew that already but seeing how technology measures it - kind of awesome!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, September 25, 2009

Home Sick- the next generation

Now that I am a Daddy- being home sick(when its the kid who's ill) is different.

You-in PJs and sleeping in front of TV
Kid- both in PJs- they sleep on you in front of the TV

You- eat comfort foods.
Kid- they eat comfort foods- you wear them later

You-whine out loud to no-one till you feel better
Kid- they whine to you until they feel better

You- snuggle in bed with pillows
Kid- they snuggle more with you

well.... maybe different is good