Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Yep... I got a Big Ass TV!

Here it is in the box

Here it is in all it's glory

Loving it!!

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

It's time for Celebrity Jeopardy

Just another reason why Tom Hanks MUST do a FUNNY movie again!

Tom- you have TWO oscars- nothing left to prove- just have fun and do a FUNNY movie


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

This was always my favorite part of "A Charlie Brown Christmas"

Awesome- Awesomely touching.

Weird and wacky 2009!

Here is a list of Newsweek's top 20 Weird and Strange news stories for 2009

My fave is the one where the Iowa guy enacts an impromptu' Zombie plan!

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

U think..

It might get this out soon?

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Ooh the WX outside is frightful!

This is what "Old
Man Winter" is gonna do to us Thursday and Friday...
but with SNOW!

Depending on which weather person u like- Anywhere from 10-20 inches of the "White stuff" is gonna fall over two days.

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!

I bet Bing Crosby wasn't dreaming of a Christmas THAT white!

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Monday, December 21, 2009

How the Grinch stole a Charlie Brown X-mas from Frosty and Rudolph!

Being a Daddy now I have been remembering my childhood X-mas-es

the Book-o-Lifesavers I always got in my stocking!

having fondue w/ green bean casserole and rice on X-mas eve

the JOY of getting that 'one special present'

and- watching the classic TV specials

these four have been on TV- EVERY year for the last 40+ years

Frosty the Snowman, A Charlie Brown Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer! -

(check out the cool history of this special here-

Reminds me- I want everyone to refer to me as ' Yukon Cornelius' from now till X-mas

Plus ride with Santa on the Norelco razor just once!

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Sunday, December 20, 2009

I say "it's my birthday!"

Happy Birthday to ME!

this is a pic of a celebrity 12-20-er

Jonah Hill- Mr. SuperBad himself

Nice co-inky-dink!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

OOOHHH- Happy Life Day!

The Star Wars Holiday Special!

Lucas thought he had eradicated this from the planet

Thanks YouTube!

Let the uncomfortable-holiday awesomeness begin!

Happy Life Day everyone!

Shatner does Palin AND Palin does Shatner

Funny STUFF!

I'm just gonna put it out there... SEQUEL!

This is an uncomfortably funny and awesome video of Ben Stiller and Vince Vaughn pitching the worst sequel idea - EVER!

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Thursday, December 17, 2009


I recall Rob Cordry and John Cusack mentioning this on twitter last summer and thought they were just talking goofy!

Then my friend Kirschty sent me this trailer

This is soooo many kinds of AWESOME!!

And to all a good night!

Look Kids!

It's Santa and

the HO-HO-HOG!

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

IF the Power-Ball $$$$$ comes my way!

A few Items- I'd purchase if $$$$$ was not an issue

Han Solo in Carbonite Desk. Reminds me of the most Awesome response ever to "I Love you!" == "I Know."

                      A Millenium Falcon BED- "Baby- can I make you Kessel Run tonight!"

                       and finally-

                                                an economical Bat-Mobile


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's the least you can do

Go this website and send a nice card to a soldier for the holidays

It takes 5 minutes!

I would hope a nice gesture to someone else fighting for your freedom is worth FIVE minutes!

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And the Hos just keep coming

Ok- this is just getting ri-cock-ulous!!

What is this Ho #37??

What's the difference between Santa and Tiger Woods??

Santa STOPS at THREE Hos!!!

Thank my Wife Krissy for that Joke- I kinda peed my pants a little.

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Monday, December 14, 2009

Let's see if this works!

Hopefully- you'll enjoy this

He is the reason for the season!

I see displays like this and I wonder- " do you think the baby Jesus was that calm and wide eyed?"

I remember when Nora was first born and she was either sleeping, crying, or had a face that said-"what is going on here?"

Jesus-Mary and Joesph are way too mellow looking here.

Maybe that wasn't "frankenscense" the Kings brought.

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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Look at my adorable Home-Slice!

Nora has learned something new this week- Mommy taught her to "slap Daddy's Butt!"

Ahhh- soo glad she's learning the basic life skills she'll need growing up!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Yep- My Wife pulls my finger!

Nora was watching Caillou the other day and something really funny happened- Caillou and his buddy Leo were laughing- mommy asks them why-they say, nothing. Then you hear a fart and they giggle!

It was awesome! Farting followed by giggling- that's real!

When Daddy farts- Nora says-"woah!"
My wife giggles- at least at first.

It reminded me of a fart in Jr high- true story- Dave Eggstien farted once in class. He was sitting in one those molded plastic chairs so it echoed LOUDLY. Of course a room full of 12-13 year olds LAUGHED LOUDLY!
Our teacher- didn't laugh though-
Dave got sent to the office- simply cause he was gassy.

People gotta lighten up!

Farts are a bodily function and they are FUNNY!

Now SHARTS- oh those are only funny if it's someone else

P.S. My wife does pull my finger and laughs when she does it- I love her!

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

100% PROOF!


Even at the Zoo!

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Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sooo glad for something different!

HANDY MANNY & The Tools.

Nora likes this show and thank goodness- if I had to watch another Caillou- I was gonna plotz!

It's a fun show- Manny and the Tools are THE fix it crew in Sheetrock Hills. It mixes the fixes with teaching kids some Spanish and about diversity

Fez from "that 70s show- Wilmer Valdaramma is the voice of Manny. Other famous folks stop by also- Fred Willard- Kathy-Lee, Lance Bass and my fav- "the Fonz" - Henry Winkler

The theme is pretty good too- done by Los Lobos

All in all a good show!

But- we still have to watch the occasional Caillou.

Daddy really loves Nora.

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Friday, December 4, 2009

HIMYM- Frosty- the innapropriate snowman!

This is Legen--wait for it and I hope you are not lactose intolerant 'cause the second half of that word is DARY!

It even contains a Barney reference I never thought I would use- "Yeah, I got a whip guy!"

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tiger has some "splainin!" to do, but not to us!

Why should Tiger have to "explain himself" ? He is a human being that made human mistakes and he has admitted to and apologized to "his fans". He doesn't owe "us" anything else. His Wife and family are the ONLY ones he has to "explain" anything to now.

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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Monsters do not live by Cookies alone!

Check out Cookie Monster giving Tyra a little X-mas "Goose"!

and Elmo does a little "neckin'" to boot!

Muppets Gone Wild!

Look at this F-ing Guy!

Very thankful for Handy Manny! Nora now will watch something other than Caillou.

We were watching one tonight and it made me wish I had a Theme song- every time I go to fix someone's PC