Friday, October 29, 2010

The State of MN says- "you can't incentize voting". Really?

Many times in the past businesses have offered deals and discounts on election day if you had the "I voted" sticker on.- Free Doughnut or Free Starbucks- etc..

Well- the good folks at  operators of the Edina Grill- Groveland Tap and other fine restaurants wanted to do something to encourage folks to excise their civic duty.  they were going to offer 25% discount on election day to anyone that came in with the "I voted" sticker.

"Not so Fast" said the MN Secretary of State's office.  They heard of this and contacted the owners and told them- if you do this, we will prosecute you for incentizing voting..


They suddenly care about this enough to want to prosecute a local business owner for a promotion to encourge folks to perform their civic duty? 

The Blue Plate Restaurant Company said nothing about the offer being tied to ANY candidate or issue
What rule are they violating?  Numerous businesses have done offers like this for years- why do they suddenly go all "Law & Order" on it?

Especially considering the MN Secretary of State's office has a law that businesses must give you time off- WITH PAY- to vote.   Minnesota Statutes 204C.04 allows employees to take time off for the time necessary to vote in a state election without a reduction in pay. Last time I checked- getting time off with pay- IS AN INCENTIVE!

This is just RI-COC-ULOUS! 

 Candidates can take THOUSAND sometimes MILLIONS of dollars for their "vote"  BUT God forbid I get 25% off of my "Ham & Eggs scramble" or a "Grill Burger"

in a word this is STUPID!

1 comment:

MommyLisa said...