Monday, October 25, 2010

50 States- 50 Movies

This a pretty cool list of matching up eaach state with a movie that defines it's spirit and/or lifestyle.

Some are obvious- Indiana -- Hoosiers, Georgia -- Gone With the Wind, Iowa -- Field of Dreams
now MN is....... wait for it...........

The Mighty Ducks!

Here is what the writer says- Minnesota -- The Mighty Ducks

Out of all the pairings on this list, this is probably my favorite. No one in America takes hockey as seriously as Minnesotans, and no movie features hockey and Minnesota more prominently than The Mighty Ducks. Gordon Bombay and his rag-tag band of misfits overcome all odds, fly together, and become Pee Wee League champions. Minnesota, be proud of your Mighty Ducks heritage. Even though all the kids have moved on in their acting careers, we can always look back and realize that, no matter how many times we revisit this movie, somehow it never gets old.

I would have said Grumpy Old Men- but it must be the weird Norwegian in me.  I'll take The Mighty Ducks

What about you? What do you think is THE MN movie?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, Mighty Ducks was on the satellite last weekend, and my 4 year-old flipped out. He just loved it and hasn't stopped talking about the "Go Vikings Mighty Ducks" hockey team (he's still mixes up his sports a bit). I hadn't seen the movie for at least a decade. Was blown away with Mickey's Dining Car, skywalks, etc. Craziness.