Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It pays to Tweet!

Yep- because of Tweeting on Twitter- I got this in the mail yesterday!

How I met your Mother - it's my favorite show and Barney- played with extreme awesomeness by NPH (Neil Patrick Harris)

Is my favorite character. I follow the show- Barney (Broslife) NPH and Alison Hannigan (Lilly) on Twitter

A couple weeks ago they had a contest to add CBSTweet to who you follow- the first x# of people then got a prize

I did not get the big prize but I did get - what you see in the pic- A Barney bobble-head


It says- "Suit Up!" - "I've done soo much good today, I've got a soul boner!" - and my favorite-

"it's going to be LEGEN- wait for it .... & I hope you're not lactose intolerant 'cause the other half of that word is DARY!"

See Twitter and Tweeting = JOY and FUN!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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