Sunday, January 9, 2011

Nora got a new bear.

Went to "build a bear workshop" yesterday

They have quite the selection of animals and costumes for them.

You can get a Star Wars bear


A Batman Bear (I may go back for one)

Or like Nora

A TinkerBell Bear!

She named it "Big Bear". It's pretty neat- and not to expensive.

I think we will go back.

- Posted using BlogPress from my Bat::iPhone

1 comment:

MommyLisa said...

Because Boo Boo gets so many other stuffed toys I limited her to the one she got on her First Birthday - if she wants anything from Build - a- Bear now its a new outfit or accessory for Claire Bear. ;) She picked her out on her first birthday and kissed the little heart before stuffing. It was awesome fun!