Friday, November 12, 2010

Han Solo Lives! thanks to George Lucas not wanting a downer ending

I love Harrison Ford but am not a fan of him saying this-

"As a character he was not so interesting to me. I thought he should have died in the last one, just to give it some bottom. George [Lucas] didn't think there was any future in dead Han toys."

OK- I have heard a longer version of this and Harrison thought Han should have gone out a hero in Jedi- sacraficing himself for the rebellion.  Lucas did not want a downer ending- he told Harrison-"empire was our sad one- this one is happy. CUE THE MUPPETS!"

 ok so I made up the cue the muppet part.

Hey Harrison-  dissapointed you still wish Han Solo dead but Indiana Jones fighting aliens and surving a nuclear blast in a fridgedaire is OK.  No one wanted Han dead because you played him so well. We don't want Indy dead either but- let's get him back to reality though please!

Here is a pic to remind you of the awesomeness of Han Solo

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