Our happy hour fact to amaze your drinking buddies with.
Ozzy Osbourne's genome will be sequenced, in hopes that scientists can figure out how the notoriously self-destructive rocker is still alive.
"Sequencing and analyzing individuals with extreme medical histories provides the greatest potential scientific value," Nathan Pearson, director of research at Knome, a leading gene-sequencing company, told the U.K. newspaper the Daily Mail.
Although the 61-year-old Osbourne has been sober for eight years, he spent the bulk of his life consuming legendary amounts of alcohol and hard drugs, as well as engaging in other high-risk activities.
The bat community will be keeping its webbed fingers crossed in hopes Knome won't conclude that Ozzy's stunning longevity can be attributed to his unique diet of their heads.
This article came from the Asylum iPhone App, which features all of the content from the men's lifestyle site, including weird news, humor, fashion, sex tips, dating, style, food and wine, gadgets, tech, music, movies, events, health, fitness, entertainment and weirdness of all kinds.
To learn more about the app or download it go here:
Our happy hour fact to amaze your drinking buddies with.
"Sequencing and analyzing individuals with extreme medical histories provides the greatest potential scientific value," Nathan Pearson, director of research at Knome, a leading gene-sequencing company, told the U.K. newspaper the Daily Mail.
Although the 61-year-old Osbourne has been sober for eight years, he spent the bulk of his life consuming legendary amounts of alcohol and hard drugs, as well as engaging in other high-risk activities.
The bat community will be keeping its webbed fingers crossed in hopes Knome won't conclude that Ozzy's stunning longevity can be attributed to his unique diet of their heads.
This article came from the Asylum iPhone App, which features all of the content from the men's lifestyle site, including weird news, humor, fashion, sex tips, dating, style, food and wine, gadgets, tech, music, movies, events, health, fitness, entertainment and weirdness of all kinds.
To learn more about the app or download it go here:
Sent from my BAT::iPhone
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