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Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,I am passing this on to you because it definitely worked for me today, and we all could probably use more calm in our lives. Some doctor on TV this morning said the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started. So I looked around my house to see things I'd started and hadn't finished so I have managed to finish off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, a pockage of Prungles, the res of the chesescke an a box a chocletz. Yu haf no idr how bludy fablus I feel rite now. Plaese sned dhis orn to dem yu fee ar in ned ov iennr pisss. An telum u luvum.!!
| Strippers In Williston, North Dakota Raking In $2,000 Per Night In Tips | |
An oil boomtown in the middle of North Dakota is proving that the laws of supply and demand apply to everything -- even stripper salaries. As thousands of men move to Williston, North Dakota seeking high-paying jobs working for oil companies, area strippers have seen their salaries skyrocket, CNNMoney reports. Strippers claim that they can make $2,000 to $3,000 per night in tips -- more than in typical strip club hot spots like Las Vegas -- dancing for the oil rig workers, many of whom moved to the town without their families. (Read the entire story at CNNMoney.) Word of their success has spread and now applications are pouring in to the town's strip clubs from women working as far away as Hawaii and Germany, according to CNNMoney. North Dakota has weathered the recession particularly well, with an unemployment rate of only 3.5 percent as of September, in comparison to the national rate of 9.1 percent. Though the stripper economy in Williston may seem particularly extreme, women are flocking to jobs dancing in strip clubs and posing in adult magazines elsewhere as well. Employers in the adult entertainment industry told the Associated Press in 2009 that they were seeing an influx in job applicants thanks to the down economy. Still, the down economy hasn't hurt the strip club industry in many locations. On some nights in British Columbia, strippers pull in less than half of what they used to make thanks in large part to the economic downturn and the rise of internet porn, according to The Vancouver Sun. In Tampa some strip club owners reported in 2008 that their business dropped 25 percent as potential patrons had less money to spend in a down economy. In more extreme cases, the recession has pushed some into prostitution, especially in Portugal, where many women have struggled to feed their families, according to IPS. The Independent reported at the height of the recession that in Germany, where prostitution is legal, brothels attempted to overcome the financial downturn by offering free promotions and cutting prices. Watch CNN's video here: |
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Thanks,Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks,Pete Bye just shared an Instagram photo with you:
Thanks, | Westboro Baptist Church Leader, Margie J. Phelps, Tweets Picket Of Steve Jobs Funeral From An IPhone | |
Steve Jobs' death has garnered a number of reactions, but none as bizarre as this. Westboro Baptist Church leader Margie J. Phelps has announced that the group will picket the Apple co-founder's funeral, condemning him for "teaching his neighbors to sin." While their actual reasons for promoting the picket seem a bit unclear, how Phelps made the announcement is causing quite a stir (and garnering a few laughs). She tweeted from an iPhone. The tweet that has critics pointing out the irony says little more than "He is in hell." The controversial church seems to be sticking by their words, however, ignoring criticism of the method used to get out their message. The first shocking tweet is below. After a number of groups pointed out the irony, Phelps continued to tweet, typing, "Rebels mad cuz I used iPhone to tell you Steve Jobs is in hell.God created iPhone for that purpose!" The church, which has become famous for its unofficial "God Hates Fags" slogan, has been at the center of many controversial pickets in recent years, including sending congregation members to protest at the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards. The church also picketed the funerals of those killed in the Arizona shootings, an act many found particularly distasteful. |
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